White Papers, Case Studies, Reports

The Digital Future is Now eBook

6 min

According to Grandview Research,the hybrid and decentralized clinicaltrial (DCT) market will be worth more than 12 billion dollars by 2030. Sparked by the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020, the rapid ascent of patient centered technology and the digital and decentralized trials they’ve spawned has forever changed the landscape of clinical conduct.

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White Papers, Case Studies, Reports

Use case: Implementing digital solutions to improve oncology trial experience & efficiency

6 min

A top 10 pharmaceutical company looked to Medable to streamline participant burden and enhance site and team experience in oncology trials, while establishing a scalable template for future trials in oncology and other areas.

White Papers, Case Studies, Reports

Report: Medable named #1 Leader in DCT for second year by Everest Group

6 min

For the second consecutive year, Medable has been named Leader decentralized clinical trial products per the Everest Group’s PEAK Matrix® assessment, which evaluates DCT products from 24 companies based on vision, capability and market impact.

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White Papers, Case Studies, Reports

Case study: Optimizing choice, flexibility and outcomes with Patient-First Data Collection for Oncology

Medable worked with a top 5 pharma company to increase the safety of patients as anti-cancer treatments may cause pulmonary toxicity, ranging from asymptomatic radiological changes to respiratory failure, and is considered a common side effect.

White Papers, Case Studies, Reports

Tufts CSDD Impact report: Decentralized and hybrid trials deliver greater ROI than traditional trials

6 min

The Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development completed an analysis of its financial modeling study of decentralized clinical trials  using real data from Medable-enabled studies. These findings net financial benefits ranging from 5x for Phase II and 13x for Phase III trials, equating to roughly $10 million ROI and $39 million ROI, respectively.

White Papers, Case Studies, Reports

White paper: Why eConsent primes patients and studies for success

Read this white paper to learn how eConsent's flexibility helps you educate and retain patients worldwide, regardless of signature requirements, and how to implement it across your organization.

White Papers, Case Studies, Reports

White paper: Tips for tailoring eConsent for optimal patient centricity.

Use a consent experience that’s designed to meet the needs of patients, while educating and engaging them each step of the way. Read our free white paper to learn eConsent tips from patients themselves, and improve your patient retention.

White Papers, Case Studies, Reports

White paper: The building blocks of DCT. How to create a seamless experience across eConsent, eCOA and more

Combining multiple market solutions at the site level can result in a negative experience due to different processes, login credentials, and redundant training. A unified DCT platform that works seamlessly with other core clinical systems to streamline workflows and simplify key trial processes.

See how Medable can make your trials more efficient.