
Back to Basics: What is a decentralized clinical trial?

In a decentralized clinical trial, part or all of the protocol occurs away from the primary study site. Instead of patients traveling, often repeatedly, to a central site for enrollment, consent, data collection or symptom monitoring, they can participate in telehealth visits from their homes, often using familiar technologies, like smartphones, tablets and wearables to transmit pertinent information. Even medications and devices can increasingly be delivered directly to a patient’s home, and a home visit from a health care professional can be arranged if necessary. 


Back to basics: What is electronic informed consent (eConsent)

While informed consent form (ICF) signatures traditionally have been collected on paper at a physical site, today’s digital approach — electronic consent (eConsent) — offers more than high-tech signature collection. It provides an upgrade to patient education and communication as well, empowering participants in new ways. Moreover, eConsent can democratize clinical trial access, allowing researchers to recruit broader and more diverse participant groups through entirely remote consenting processes. This broader and less burdensome access also can increase the speed of recruitment and reduce drop-out rates.


What it really takes to adopt eConsent across large pharma

Learn about the benefits of adopting consent management technology and best practices around developing change management and training programs to help sponsors, CROs and sites get the most out of eConsent.


Enhancing oncology clinical trials through the use of digital technologies

In this webinar, VP of Digital Trial Solutions Musaddiq Khan, VP of Product Strategy Colin Weller, and Cancer Survivor Lindsey Matt discuss how Medable is supporting a patient-first approach in complex Oncology clinical trials


Digital vs digitized: Common myths about eConsent for clinical trials

Alex Burrington, CTI Principal of Vertex, and Andrew Mckinnon, VP, GM of eConsent discuss common myths around eConsent, how to improve comprehension with patient-centric consent, and how to use a digital consent management tool to improve trial compliance, quality, and oversight.

White Papers, Case Studies, Reports

White paper: Why eConsent primes patients and studies for success

Read this white paper to learn how eConsent's flexibility helps you educate and retain patients worldwide, regardless of signature requirements, and how to implement it across your organization.

Blog posts

Using clear language and the latest technology in informed consent forms (ICFs) for clinical trials

Explore ways to improve the consenting communication process using clear language and the latest technology.


Improve trial enrollment using patient perspectives and technology

In this webinar, Nisha Trivedi, Patient Advocate, and Jena Daniels, VP of Patient Success showcase how adding technology in clinical trials enables greater diversity and an increase in study enrollment upfront and maintains patient engagement over the course of the study.

Webinar Highlights:

  • Establishing internal relationships with end-users (patients, caregivers, and sites) will increase technology adoption
  • Using technology to increase participant access, engagement, retention, and education
  • Navigating uncertainties in technology and approach while balancing the needs of participants providing them with a positive and differentiated experience
  • Ensuring patients, caregivers, and sites are engaged in the study design and implementation process

White Papers, Case Studies, Reports

White paper: The building blocks of DCT. How to create a seamless experience across eConsent, eCOA and more

Combining multiple market solutions at the site level can result in a negative experience due to different processes, login credentials, and redundant training. A unified DCT platform that works seamlessly with other core clinical systems to streamline workflows and simplify key trial processes.

See how Medable can make your trials more efficient.