Blog posts

Patient perspectives: Nine updated technology tips for deploying eConsent from Medable’s PCN

Since 2018, Medable has grown a network of patients, caregivers, and care partners whose job is to help improve the clinical trial experience for participants.

Known as the Patient Caregiver Network (PCN), they regularly update their best practices, including recently refreshing their technological best practices around deploying eConsent.

We’re sharing them below to help continually promote the participant's voice and to help foster more equitable, inclusive, and diverse clinical trials

Blog posts

Bridging the gap: Ensuring sites are successful with Medable

6 min

For years, clinical research sites have been vocal about the technological challenges they face conducting trials. Obstacles such as multiple disparate systems per trial, an abundance of passwords, lack of interoperability, and other issues all showcase how technology can be as significant a hindrance as it is a boon. As a recent Forbes article suggests, if clinical research technology doesn’t empower sites, it risks slowing down the entire trial.

Blog posts

What does the new European Medicine Regulatory Network recommendation paper on decentralized elements in clinical trials tell us?

Learn what impacts the new European Medicine Regulatory Network recommendations paper means to your clinical trial operations.

Blog posts

New EU Regulatory Recommendations for Decentralized Trials Keep Focus on Patients and Sites

As clinical trials rapidly modernize, government regulators work to evolve even as the same core principles apply. Still, decentralized clinical trials are – simply – clinical trials, as all research today is decentralized in some way, yet we lack global harmonization of regulations.

Blog posts

2023: The year of the site. We are listening.

6 min

As 2022 rounds the bend, the life science industry is at a critical juncture in the adoption of the decentralized clinical trial (DCT) model.

White Papers, Case Studies, Reports

White paper: The building blocks of DCT. How to create a seamless experience across eConsent, eCOA and more

Combining multiple market solutions at the site level can result in a negative experience due to different processes, login credentials, and redundant training. A unified DCT platform that works seamlessly with other core clinical systems to streamline workflows and simplify key trial processes.

See how Medable can make your trials more efficient.