woman on televisit
White Papers, Case Studies, Reports

Case study: Optimizing choice, flexibility and outcomes with Patient-First Data Collection for Oncology

Medable worked with a top 5 pharma company to increase the safety of patients as anti-cancer treatments may cause pulmonary toxicity, ranging from asymptomatic radiological changes to respiratory failure, and is considered a common side effect.

woman on tablet
Blog posts

Five myths about eConsent

As our industry continues to follow new paths to digitization, it’s important to debunk the most prevalent myths — both old and new — and reach a deeper understanding of decentralized clinical trials.


Enhancing oncology clinical trials through the use of digital technologies

In this webinar, VP of Digital Trial Solutions Musaddiq Khan, VP of Product Strategy Colin Weller, and Cancer Survivor Lindsey Matt discuss how Medable is supporting a patient-first approach in complex Oncology clinical trials


Everything you need to know about hybrid & decentralized trials

Claire Marsden, Ph.D., VP of DCT Solutions at Medable, and John Galvin, MD, MS, MPH, Senior Medical Director of US Medical Affairs at Incyte, present on the basics of decentralized clinical trials, exploring hybrid and fully decentralized approaches and the advantages of developing patient-centric clinical trials.

Blog posts

Using clear language and the latest technology in informed consent forms (ICFs) for clinical trials

Explore ways to improve the consenting communication process using clear language and the latest technology.

Blog posts

How to design patient-friendly and inclusive ePRO instruments

This blog explores why patient-centric ePRO instrument design is critical to driving study success, provides tips on how to make instruments more patient-centric, and offers resources for additional ePRO design guidance.

Blog posts

Meet patients where they are with consent information

The cornerstone of access to any clinical research project is the informed consent process–the decision of a participant to join a study based upon full and complete sharing of information about what the study will require, the risks of participation, and the voluntary nature of that participation.

This isn’t simply the participant’s signature on a paper or electronic form. According to governmental organizations like the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA), that signature is only part of the process. Of perhaps even greater importance is the provision of information to the patient accompanied by a discussion of the study and a chance to have questions answered, so that the decision can truly be considered “informed.”

Blog posts

How to write clear and compelling patient recruitment material to drive enrollment and boost diversity

Clinical trials are essential for the development of new medical treatments and devices. However, enrolling patients in clinical trials is one of the most challenging aspects of conducting these studies. This is especially true when it comes to recruiting a diverse and representative patient population.


Improve trial enrollment using patient perspectives and technology

In this webinar, Nisha Trivedi, Patient Advocate, and Jena Daniels, VP of Patient Success showcase how adding technology in clinical trials enables greater diversity and an increase in study enrollment upfront and maintains patient engagement over the course of the study.

Webinar Highlights:

  • Establishing internal relationships with end-users (patients, caregivers, and sites) will increase technology adoption
  • Using technology to increase participant access, engagement, retention, and education
  • Navigating uncertainties in technology and approach while balancing the needs of participants providing them with a positive and differentiated experience
  • Ensuring patients, caregivers, and sites are engaged in the study design and implementation process

Blog posts

Podcast: How do you ensure clinical trial access for all?

Medable CEO Michelle Longmire joins Beyond the Molecule Podcast to discuss how the industry can expand clinical trial access to all populations.

See how Medable can make your trials more efficient.